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Devils Corner Moulting Lagoon Experience

Moulting Lagoon Experience
Go behind the scenes as you unearth a hidden gateway to the Hazards Vineyard and Moulting Lagoon, where Tasmania's East Coast flaunts its finest flavours among native landscapes and breathtaking views. Dive into an exclusive vineyard tour, master the art of oyster shucking at the Moulting Lagoon, and savour lunch in our underground cellar, The Devil’s Den, before wrapping up with a hosted premium wine tasting. Seize the chance to be personally guided and hosted by the brilliant minds behind the wines, vines, and culinary delights of the region. Minimum of six. Bookings Essential
Event Details
  • Sunday 4 May 2025 (Monthly)

  • 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM

  • Sherbourne Road, Apslawn, Tasmania, 7190


Coach Parking

Family Friendly

Pet Friendly - Enquire

Public Toilet


Shop / Gift Shop

Does not cater for people with access needs.

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