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Tasmazia and the Village of Lower Crackpot is a lot of nonsense for such a small town. 

Founded by Brian Indler, the self-proclaimed Chief Magistrate and Sheriff of Lower Crackpot, it was created to bring Brian's childhood dream to life - an absurd scale-model town, alongside one of the world’s largest maze complexes. It’s a family outing, with politically incorrect dad jokes at every twist and turn.

Each of Tasmazia's eight mazes is different from the next. Some are made from hedges, some planted in viburnum and Chinese honeysuckle. Others have yellow brick roads. 

There’s also the Three Bears Cottage, Cubby Town, lookouts and a field of lavender that blooms in January. The pancakes at the cafe are a must. 

Tasmazia and the Village of Lower Crackpot is just off the route from Sheffield to Cradle Mountain, near Lake Barrington. It’s 15km south of Sheffield and 40km south of Devonport in Tasmania's north-west.

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