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Tasmania has buckets of family holiday fun in any season, on any budget, for every age.

Comb a long, lovely beach. Meet wild hairy Tasmanians, and learn about their feeding habits. Chase thrills and waterfalls. Make family memories.

Best family adventures

Hit the road and create some special memories on an island ripe for family fun. There’s something for every member of the clan, from crazy critters and wilderness thrills to fascinating history and simple, unforgettable experiences.

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King River Rafting

Top places to pitch the tent

Some of Tasmania’s best holiday real estate is a flat patch of land by the sea, or in the mountains, with space for a tent and your camp life. Tasmania is blessed with so many great campsites, and if you’ve wondered where the locals go to pitch a tent, read on.

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Exterior taken through the surrounding trees of a tent at Bakers Point Campground, Narawntapu National Park.

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