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Set aside a day or more to discover what the island’s artisans can teach you.

From boat building to spoon carving, these classes capture the essence of Tasmania - its creativity and passion for the unusual, for lost skills and for expertise shared.



Loving spoonful 

Spend the day with a small group in Cygnet learning the art and mindfulness of wooden spoon carving.

Wonders of wood

Enter a forest close to Hobart and leave with traditional green woodworking skills that showcase natural beauty and traditional craftsmanship.

Build a boat

Long and short courses are offered at the renowned Wooden Boat Centre, on the bank of the Huon River in Franklin. Craft a kayak, a clinker-built dinghy or a leadlight window.

Blow in

Learn the delicate art of glass blowing at a private studio at Poatina, in the Great Western Tiers. Work with an expert to craft bespoke tumblers, perfect for a dram of Tasmanian whisky.

Spirited away

Take three days to learn the art and science of traditional whisky distillation at Old Kempton Distillery, an 1840s Georgian mansion. It’s one of several distilleries across the island that hold hands-on classes.

Wooden Boat Centre
Wooden Boat Centre
Tourism Tasmania & Nick Osborne
Old Kempton Distillery
Old Kempton Distillery
Lusy Productions


Capture the beauty of Tasmania in short or long photography classes and tours, guided by professional landscape photographers. Travel from north to south honing skills around composition, editing and specific landscapes.

Fat Pig Farm
Fat Pig Farm
Chris Phelps
Fat Pig Farm
Fat Pig Farm
Chris Phelps

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