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Tasmania's parks and gardens are as beautiful as they are varied.

Generations of botanically minded Tasmanians have created stunning natural displays of all kinds, from colonial-era recreations of English and European landscape designs to wild and contemporary native gardens. Smell the heritage roses, wander through meticulously manicured parklands and be awed by abundant cool-climate colour. 


Best gardens

Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens

For more than two centuries the custodians of the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens in Hobart have been nurturing some 6500 plants from a wide variety of microclimates. There are 14 hectares to explore, including a sub-Antarctic plant house, heritage buildings and a long-standing edible garden. 

Family affair

Owned by the same family for seven generations, the World Heritage-listed convict site and farming estate of Brickendon has a colonial-era garden designed in picturesque style, featuring trees found almost nowhere else in Tasmania. And more than 5000 roses form the National Rose Garden at the neighbouring Woolmers Estate.

Table Cape Tulip Farm

For just one month each year, from late September, travellers are welcome to soak up the intense colours at the Table Cape Tulip Farm by the sea. 

Bridestowe Lavender Estate

Sown from seeds brought from France a century ago, the lavender grown at Bridestowe Lavender Estate is considered among the world’s finest. And – fun fact – it’s the world’s largest privately owned lavender farm.

Women walking through rows of lavender at Bridestowe Lavender Estate, Nabowla.
Bridestowe Lavender Estate
Jamie Douros & Camille Helm
Wild at heart

Explore natural beauty just 15min south of Hobart in the ever-evolving Inverawe Native Gardens, featuring more than 12,500 native plants and 110 species of birds.

Branch manager

Cool-climate woody plants are the focus of the Tasmanian Arboretum near Devonport. It features 1500 species of trees, including a number of endangered species - and it’s also an excellent place to spot a platypus.

Emu Valley Rhododendron Garden

See more than 24,000 rhododendrons and companion plants in 11 hectares of landscaped gardens at the Emu Valley Rhododendron Garden near Burnie. Peak flowering season is mid-September to mid-November.

People stand on a wooden structure sitting atop a pond inside the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens, Hobart.
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens - Lily Pads
Lusy Productions

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