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There’s so much lavender at Bridestowe Lavender Estate that they’re running out of ways to use it.

Lavender honey, jams and jellies are just some of the goods. 

Glowing lavender ice creams and other culinary treats can be tasted at the restaurant, and Bobbie the lavender bear can be purchased at the visitor centre and squeezed in for the trip home. 

Bridestowe is the largest lavender farm in the Southern Hemisphere; the fields go for kilometres and have spread far and wide on social media.

The lavender is in bloom December and January, but visitors are welcome year-round to see the seasons of Tasmania reflected in the ornamental gardens, manicured fields and native bushland set against the backdrop of Mount Arthur. 

Ever popular with locals and foreigners alike, this one is a list topper. 

Bridestowe Lavender Estate is a 50min drive from Launceston in Tasmania's scenic north east. 

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