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Stanley Discovery Museum

St Pauls Church dates back to 1887
St Paul's Church
Interior St Paul's Church
Museum Hall
Museum Hall
Stanley Discovery Museum
The Stanley Discovery Museum contains a wealth of information relating to the history and families of the Stanley district and displays items of interest relative to the area. The Museum has been operating for 50 years. This precinct which contains the refurbished Museum Hall and the 1887 St Paul's Church has been owned by the community since 2021 and is completely run by volunteers. A photographic exhibition dating from 1858 follows the development of the settlement. History of the original 113 allotments and families are detailed in the publication "Along the Terrace" Vol 1, 1843-1922. "In the Shadow of the Nut" which was published to coincide with the present Stanley Primary School's Centenary in 2014 also outlines education in Stanley from settlement and records the names of all students. Both publications are only available at the Museum. Local History Journals and publications and the DVD "Trading out of Stanley" are also available for sale. Step back in time with local historical items including various displays and memorabilia. A visit to the Museum includes viewing the beautiful, historic 1887 St Paul's Church which contains displays while retaining the authenticity of the Church interior. See three magnificent stained glass windows. Open from September to May, 11am to 3pm, Monday to Saturday. It is possible to access the Museum by appointment outside of opening hours, by arrangement.

Coach Parking

Gallery / Museum

Non Smoking

Public Toilet

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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