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Six Extinctions

A T-Rex roars in a desert landscape as part of Six Extinctions
Six Extinctions delves into 'The Big Five' events which drastically reshaped life on Earth: the Ordovician, Devonian, Permian, Triassic and Cretaceous extinctions. Each historical event was driven by geological and environmental factors like volcanic activity, meteor impacts and climate shifts. These extinction events devastated ecosystems but also paved the way for new evolutionary adaptations. The exhibition, developed by Gondwana Studios, also examines the ongoing Holocene extinction event—the Sixth Extinction in which we now live—driven largely by human activities such as habitat destruction, climate change and pollution. Yet, Six Extinctions also offers hope. Through highlighting conservation success stories, the exhibition demonstrates that concerted human effort can still make a difference in preserving biodiversity and restoring Earth's ecosystems. In the exhibition, you'll explore these extinction events over 485 million years of Earth's history through an incredible collection of replica fossils. Come face-to-face with some of the most formidable predators of each era, including Dunkleosteus, the giant armoured fish that ruled the seas, Inostrancevia, a sabre-toothed predator as fierce as any tiger, Postosuchus, a towering crocodile-like hunter, and a life-sized replica of the largest Tyrannosaurus Rex ever found. This is a journey through deep time you won't want to miss.
Event Details
  • Tuesday 18 March 2025 - Sunday 17 August 2025

  • 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

  • 2 Invermay Road, Invermay, Tasmania, 7248


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Non Smoking

Parents Room

Public Toilet

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