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Shakespeare's R&J

Synbolic image of red cloth
Five teenagers live in a rigid, religious boarding school in the 1950s. One night, after lights out, they discover the banned play of 'Romeo and Juliet.' (Read it sometime - it really is a quite bawdy, raw and dangerous piece.) The boys are breaking the rules. They’re up after hours (and not in their dorm asleep). They are reading a banned text and worse - acting it out! They start out by making fun of the rude innuendos but somehow, things begin to change for the five students. Acting out the play becomes a kind of awakening, a chance to understand more about themselves, each other and future possibilities. They begin to learn something about the acceptance of all kinds of love – and that really was dangerous territory! This play was written by Joe Calarco and will be directed by Australian theatre legend, Jeff Kevin. It will be a very special piece of theatre!
Event Details
  • Wednesday 30 April 2025 - Saturday 10 May 2025

  • 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM

  • 77 Salamanca Place, Battery Point, Tasmania, 7004




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