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Ready Written | Earl Arts Centre

Two men in colourful clothing - one holding lots of luggage, the other holding just  a rubber duck.
Theatre North presents 110% Ready Written and performed by The Listies. In this show, The Listies perform a miracle! 110% Ready sees Rich and Matt do something no family in Australia has ever done before: leave the house on time! Well, that’s what Rich thinks anyway. Matt on the other hand has a different plan. He may or may not have accidentally flushed the car keys down the toilet. Featuring a poop-load of puns, silly slapstick sight gags, and a splash of improvisational idiocy, 110% Ready sees Melbourne’s masters of mirth do what they do best for 55 solid minutes of full family lols. This brand-new show is all about the joys of the average morning routine: sleeping through the alarm, not having any milk, fishing dirty clothes out of the hamper, burning the toast, and then finding the front door is glued shut, the shower won’t switch off, and the house is filling with water. Dedicated to anyone who has ever been in charge of someone who is impossible to get out the front door in the am.
Event Details
  • Tuesday 15 July 2025

  • 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

  • 10 Earl Street, Launceston, Tasmania, 7250

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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