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Mural Park

An International Mural Fest entrant works on her piece, in Mural Park during International Mural Fes
Man and Woman sit at a picnic table in Mural Park, with a picnic lunch. with Mt Roland
A picnic basket on table filled with local specialities
The epicentre of the annual International Mural Fest, and with the stunning backdrop of Mt Roland, this park houses the murals of the nine finalists from the recent year's competition. Artists from around the world create their art in Mural Park and the Wall of Fame showcases the winning murals from previous competitions. Each year the murals must follow a theme derived from the winning entry in a poetry competition held as part of the International Mural Fest. Mural Park is open year-round and entry is free. Mural Park is located between the Sheffield Visitor Information Center and Sheffield Arts Centre and is featured on the Kentish Council Mural Walking Tour.



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Picnic Area

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