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Launceston Horticultural Society Seasonal Flower Show - Nov2024

Flowers in a hall at Launceston Horticultural Society's seasonal flower show
Beautiful Dahlias
Beautiful fresh produce
Autumn Display
Outside Stall holders are amazing
The Launceston Horticultural Society, established in 1838, is Australia’s longest continual horticultural society. The Society holds horticultural shows in February, April, September and November, that are open to members and the general public. Each show features a range of flowers that are in season including: Camellias, Daffodils, Roses, Irises, Rhododendrons, Gladioli, Dahlias, Lilium and Begonia; together with a variety of cut flowers, rock & alpine flowers, cactus and succulents, plants grown in containers, floral art and garden produce. In addition to the floral displays other attractions include stall holders selling : A wide variety of plants: including Australian natives, Hellebores, Iris, Bulbs, Dahlias, Fuchsias, Ferns, Day Lilies, and Perennials. Garden sculptures and features : such as bird baths and plant supports Garden mulch :There is also live music, the LHS raffle, afternoon teas, plus a coffee van and food stall. 2 - 5pm on the Saturday, 9am - 4pm on the Sunday.
Event Details
  • Saturday 9 November 2024 - Sunday 10 November 2024

  • 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM

  • 8 High Street, Evandale, Tasmania, 7212


Family Friendly


Public Toilet

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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