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lakapawa lakaratu: centring seasonality

lakapawa lakaratu image
Tasmania's statewide arts festival, Ten Days on the Island 2025 program. You’re invited to experience the first iteration of a new work by Nunami Sculthorpe-Green. Held on Aboriginal land, lakapawa lakaratu is an invitation to pause, listen, and connect to the sounds of Country. Here Nunami will share the rationale and process behind creating a series of sound installations that will be developed over two years. This will be a sensory experience offering a restorative space for reflection and connection to Lutruwita’s cycles and seasons. Chimes made from clay are imprinted with textures from country, and glazed with ash from harvested native plants, carrying the marks of Country itself and specific cultural stories. They filter the sounds of the landscape, leading you to a deeper appreciation of the culturally rich environment. Yuwaalaraay musician Warren Mason will create a soundscape, responding to the sounds of Country embodied in the chimes. The chimes have been created in collaboration with ceramicist Armie Sungvaribud and the project is being documented for the community by Takani Clark. This beautiful gathering will be complemented by an offering of bush food from Palawa Kipli. You’ll step away from this event feeling inspired, rejuvenated, and more connected to place, community, and self.
Event Details
  • Saturday 29 March 2025

  • 12:00 AM

  • 838 East Derwent Highway, Risdon, Tasmania, 7017

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