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Huon Valley Studio Art Trail

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Huon Valley Studio Art Trail offers an exciting and diverse collection of artworks by artists and makers living in this remarkably creative and beautiful region. Participating artists invite you to come see them in their studios, hear about the creative process they use and what inspires and motivates them to produce their amazing artworks. Each year the event attracts an increasing and wide range of visitors keen to make the most of the two-day event by enjoying all the valley and far south has to offer: art and crafts, tourist attractions, fantastic food and beverages, and accommodation. Artists are keen to encourage families to visit and inspire the next generation of budding young artists. Young folk can join a Treasure Hunt and competition. Win lucky draw prizes donated by generous local businesses for those who visit and register with the studios and gallery/museums. The more studios you visit, the more chances to win.. Further information about the trail and the participating artists can be found on Instagram: @huonvalleystudioarttrail or website: A 2024 Huon Valley Studio Art Trail map (print and digital) will help you find the artists, their studios and other participating businesses.


Cellar Door

Enquiry Desk

Family Friendly

Food and Refreshments

Gallery / Museum


Shop / Gift Shop

Wine Tasting

Does not cater for people with access needs.

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