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Burnie Lilium Show

Hundreds of diverse liliums on display
Asiatic Hybrid Lilium
The 2026 Burnie Lilium Show will be held at the Parklands High School. This is the earlier of our two annual shows and features Asiatic and Trumpet/Aurelian Lilium Hybrids along with a range of early Species Liliums. Always a blaze of colour and interest! We are very proud of our reputation for displaying a broad range of Lilium species and hybrids, many of which are only rarely seen. These include many diverse and graceful Liliums that are quite different to those usually offered in commerce. We are very pleased to welcome our guests to our new venue and look forward to an excellent show. Floral Art is a major feature at these shows. Exhibitors range from experienced and capable floral artists as well as some very enthusiastic novices. This enables some amazing creativity. There is always a well-stocked trade table with lilies and other plants, cut-flowers, and Lilium seed. Demonstrations are always available on a range of Lilium-related subjects, from growing from seed to the art of hybridising. Our mild climate and fertile soils ensure that Liliums grow about as well here as anywhere on earth!
Event Details
  • Saturday 3 January 2026 - Sunday 4 January 2026 (Annual)

  • 11 Atkins Drive, Romaine, Tasmania, 7320


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