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Brass in St David's | Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra

A man playing a horn
Let the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra's Brass and Percussion sections take you to church at Brass in St David’s. Conducted by the TSO's Chief Conductor Eivind Aadland. The concert hall is designed to bring out the best of our orchestra, from luscious strings to lyrical winds. Brass and percussion complete this acoustic picture – but these instruments are deeply powerful in their own right. It’s why the TSO's Brass in St David’s series has become a live music staple in Hobart. Each year the orchestra hosts two concerts in the Gothic-style Cathedral – an architectural and acoustic marvel in the middle of the city. Its current foundations were laid in 1868, and now the TSO's brass and percussion players fill the space with music as colourful as the stained glass windows. There’s simply no experience like hearing the crystal-clear tone of a trumpet as it slices through the air of an old stone cathedral, or feeling the beat of the timpani as it resonates through your body. These concerts sell quickly.
Event Details
  • Friday 21 March 2025

  • 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

  • 23 Murray Street, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000

Non Smoking

Public Toilet

Actively welcomes people with access needs.

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