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Deloraine and Districts Folk Museum

The Cellar, Deloraine & Districts Folk Museum
Jimmy Possum Exhibion at Deloraine & Districts
The Family & Commercial Inn, Deloraine & Districts Folk Museum
Pioneer Walk, Deloraine & Districts Folk Museum
Family outing at Deloraine & Districts Folk Museum
The Deloraine and District Folk Museum was opened as the Family and Commercial Inn in 1864. Today it reflects the life of the country publican and his family. Housed in an extensive garden is a Pioneer Walk where you can view reproduction and reclaimed heritage buildings showcasing the lives, tools and farming equipment of early settlers. Currently, there is an exhibition, Past the Post, about the horse racing history of Meander Valley with many loaned trophies and items of interest. There is also an engaging exhibit of vintage sewing machines which talks about how the sewing machine is returning in this world of reuse and recycling. many young people are learning to sew and repairing their clothing items rather than dumping them. The museum is located at the Great Western Tiers Visitor Centre, 98-100 Emu Bay Road, Deloraine.


Coach Parking

Interactive Centre

Interpretive Centre

Non Smoking

Public Toilet

Shop / Gift Shop

Electric Vehicle Charging Point

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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