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AI without the artificial bit
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Artificial intelligence is changing the world of art. Doing in seconds what once took a lifetime of soul and skill.

But we’ve never been all that big on artificial stuff down here.

That’s why we launched TasmanAi - an image generator that used real Tasmanian artists to transform prompts from the public into real pieces of art.

But while entries have closed, inspiration’s never too far away.

Come find out for yourself.
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About the Tasmanian artists
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Oil Pastels, Acrylic, Ink
Alan Young is a Hobart-based artist with a Masters Degree in Fine Art. He’s been the artist in residence at St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne, School of Creative Arts Tasmania, Clarence Jazz Festival Hobart and NG Gallery Chippendale. Additionally, he’s won the Bay of Fires Art Prize, a Mona Scholarship, and been a semi-finalist in the Doug Moran National Portrait Prize.
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Graphic Design, Digital Art, Mixed Media, Installations, Site Responsive Work
Caleb Nichols-Mansell is an early career mixed media artist and the Founder of Blackspace Creative Arts and Cultural Hub. A proud Tasmanian Aboriginal man, Caleb has been commissioned by Dark Mofo, Yirramboi and Junction Arts Festival.
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Based in Tasmania, Christopher Downes regularly draws for the Hobart Mercury. In 2015, he won the Stan Cross Award for Best Editorial/Political Cartoonist and in 2020, he was the recipient of the Vince O’Farrell Award for Outstanding Illustration. Most recently, Christopher wrote and illustrated Mona’s Ark, a picture book published exclusively for Mona.
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Acrylics, Oil, Scrap Paper, Digital Collage
Born and raised in Hobart, Eloise Lark has a design education (RMIT) which has expanded into a diverse creative practice. Eloise works across illustration, art and design, most recently working with digital collage.
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Murals, Spray Paint, Material Assemblages
Known for his vibrant murals, gallery based works and music festival stages, it’s fair to say Jamin has a diverse skillset. The Hobartian has exhibited work everywhere from Brisbane to Paris, but it’s still Tasmania that remains his focus, having produced over 70 murals in the Apple Isle.
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Oil, Acrylic, Ink
Josh Foley is an awarded contemporary artist from Launceston. He has exhibited extensively throughout Australia and has been the artist-in-residence at Arthur Boyd’s Shoalhaven River property Bundanon, and at the Cite des Arts International in Paris. Most notably though, he’s the youngest winner of The John Glover Prize - one of the country’s most prestigious landscape prizes.
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Watercolour, Pencil, Adobe Suite
A graduate of the University of Tasmania School of Art, Hobartian Sam Lyne has worked on everything from children’s books to brewery rebrandings. It’s here the freelance illustrator and designer showcases his eye for (very tiny) detail and his passion for all things whimsical.
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Steffi Koppelwell lives and works in Hobart with her wife Megan and pet parrot Pickle. Since graduating the University of Tasmania with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, Steffi has participated in various group exhibitions, with her most recent body of work 'Mindscapes' showing at Bickerstaff Blizzard.
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A lifelong passion for art has seen Wayne Looyen go from art collector to bonafide ceramic artist. The Launceston resident uses porcelain to recreate natural and familiar forms, before applying accents of gold to bring together images and formations found in the many rock pools that punctuate the Tasmanian coastline.
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