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Squint and you might spy the cross that some Tullah locals swear is etched into the face of Mount Murchison.

Perhaps that’s why this one-time mining town is known as God’s Country, according to an information board near the train station for Wee Georgie Wood, a tiny locomotive that operates on selected weekends (October to April).

Enthusiasts operate the steam train that hauls a dinky 15-passenger carriage along a 1.8km stretch of track shaded by eucalypt forests and tree ferns. Piercing whistle toots let everyone know the train is coming through the little town with two histories: it first housed miners, then workers employed by the hydroelectric power scheme.

Tullah sits on the shore of Lake Rosebery, a reservoir created in 1983, with Mount Farrell rising behind the town.

Blurred shot of cyclists on a descend at Sterling Valley Track
Sterling Valley Track
Flow Mountain Bike
A single hiker walks along the track at Mt Farrell, water and mountain views in the background.
Mount Farrell
Jess Bonde


Tullah is a 1hr 40min drive (141km) south-west of Devonport.


Insider tips

  • Paddle Lake Rosebery by kayak or canoe.
  • Strike out on foot for Mount Murchison’s summit – on clear days, you can see Cradle Mountain.
  • Mountain bike riders can tackle Mount Murchison via the Sterling Valley Track.

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