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The bustling seaside town of Ulverstone, at the mouth of the Leven River, makes an ideal family getaway.

Get your bearings and take in the panoramic views of town and Bass Strait from Zigzag Garden and Lookout before exploring cafes and providores, galleries and boutiques. Hunt for treasures in second-hand shops.

Take a BYO picnic cruise with Leven River Cruises, spotting wildlife as you head upstream to disembark for lunch. 

Explore the impressive Hive Tasmania, comprising a museum, the largest planetarium in the state, its only science centre, art and activity spaces, a cafe and visitor centre.

And when it’s time to get active, hit the Ulverstone Waterslide, a summer family favourite. Set up for a day of sun and swimming on Buttons Beach’s 5km of sand, or drop a fishing line. Hire a pedal buggy to cruise the cycleways and stroll the walking tracks.


Ulverstone is a 14min drive (17km) west of Devonport and an 80min drive (118km) north-west of Launceston.


Insider tips
  • Watch little penguins return to land each night at Lillico Beach, a coastal reserve and penguin colony near Ulverstone on the Bass Highway.
  • Explore the magnificent calcite formations in Gunns Plains Cave, where an underground creek is home to platypus, fish, eels and endangered giant freshwater crayfish.

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