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Whether lying on the beach or dodging the dreaded sand of a bunker, a visit to Bridport is a true Tasmanian seaside experience.

Golfers come to challenge themselves on Barnbougle’s classic links course, Barnbougle Dunes and Lost Farm, both rated among Australia’s top five golf courses. 

Holidaymakers flock to the town in summer to enjoy scenic spots such as Mermaid’s Pool, a sheltered swimming cove at the town’s northern edge. It’s one of the highlights along the 11km circuit of the Bridport Walking Track.

About 20km inland from Bridport is Bridestowe Lavender Estate, the world’s largest privately owned lavender farm, where curling rows of purple lavender make for one of Tasmania’s most photogenic scenes each summer. 

Arrive in town hungry. Bridport hosts the Tassie Scallop Fiesta each winter, and is the state’s spiritual home of scallops. Head to Bridport Café to try its award-winning curried scallop pie, or to Sugar N Spice Bakery for a mornay version.

Enjoy your pie in the foreshore park across the road, adjoining the blue-and-white vertically striped lighthouse.


Bridport is a 1hr drive (77km) north-east of Launceston.


Insider tips

  • Nearby vineyards include Pipers Brook, Delamere Vineyards and Sinapius Wines. 
  • Want a shorter, quicker round of golf? The 14-hole Bougle Run contains 12 elevated par-three holes (and two par-fours), making for a brisk 90min round with birdie’s-eye views.

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