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Taranna is inextricably linked to Port Arthur, just 10km south of the town on Turrakana / Tasman Peninsula.

It was once the terminus for Australia’s first railway and possibly the only railway using human horsepower. Designed to carry passengers and supplies, a team of four convicts pushed carriages along the 7km line between Port Arthur and Taranna’s jetty on Little Norfolk Bay. 

The Tasmanian Devil Unzoo is the world’s first “unzoo”, where unfenced wild animals are free to come and go at will. Watch devils being fed, wander among wallabies, possums and kangaroos, and hand-feed wild parrots and honeyeaters.


Taranna is a 75min drive (85km) south-east of Hobart.


Insider tips

  • Camp at Fortescue Bay and enjoy the beautiful beach or hike to Cape Hauy for a view of Australia’s highest sea cliffs.
  • Celebrate all things garlicky at the Koonya Garlic Festival, held each February.

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