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Historic Sorell is the last major stop on the way to Turrakana / Tasman Peninsula and the east coast.

Established in 1808, the busy regional centre is one of Tasmania’s oldest towns, and its streets are lined with historic treasures, including three National Estate-listed churches and the town’s oldest building, the 1827 Barracks, which is now colonial-style accommodation.

Join the Tasmanian pick-your-own summer tradition at the Sorell Fruit Farm, which produces strawberries, cherries, pears, apples and peaches.


Sorell is a 25min drive (25km) north-east of Hobart.


Insider tips
  • Visit the cemetery at St George’s Anglican Church to find the graves of early settlers.
  • Birdwatchers will gravitate to Orielton Lagoon, a Ramsar-listed wetland of international significance. It’s the only one of Tasmania’s 10 Ramsar sites located in an urban area.

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