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Nubeena mixes waterside views with easy access to Port Arthur and some wild and wonderful slivers of coastline.  

Originally an outstation of Port Arthur and, for many years, an important convict farming community, the largest town on Turrakana / Tasman Peninsula (albeit with a population of just 480) sits beside beautiful White Beach, just a short drive from the walking track to Cape Raoul at the peninsula's southern tip. A side track along the walk to the cape darts down to the legendary big-wave surf at Shipstern Bluff.


Nubeena is a 90min drive (102km) south-east of Hobart.


Insider tips

  • Wander among the ruins of the soldiers' barracks and convict quarters at one of Australia’s least-known World Heritage sites, the Coal Mines Historic Site, where convicts extracted coal in Tasmania’s first operational mine. 
  • Watch big-wave action at Shipstern Bluff, known locally as Shippies. This is one of the world’s wildest breaks, with waves as high as 10m driven into the cliffs.

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