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At the Central Highlands' heart, Miena is surrounded by lakes with excellent fishing and stunning alpine scenery.

The popular shack village sits on the shores of yingina / Great Lake, Australia's second-largest freshwater lake, which supplies hydroelectricity as well as a bounty of trout for keen fly fishers.

More than 1000m above sea level, Miena is also one of the coldest places in Tasmania, swelling in population in the warmer months and providing a magical snow-covered landscape in winter that's best enjoyed by a log fire.

The nearby Central Plateau Conservation Area is known as the Land of a Thousand Lakes, and its wild alpine landscape forms part of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area.


Miena is an 80min drive (107km) south-west of Launceston and a 100min drive (135km) north-west of Hobart.


Insider tip

  • Good trout-fishing lakes in the area include yingina / Great Lake, Penstock Lagoon, Little Pine Lagoon and Arthurs Lake.

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