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Teralina / Eaglehawk Neck is a small town and a natural wonder in one. 

The narrow isthmus, known locally as The Neck, is less than 100m wide at one point. Connecting the Tasman Peninsula to the Forestier Peninsula, about 20km north of the Port Arthur Historic Site, it was crucial to the fortress security of the notorious prison settlement. 

A sculpture marks the location of the Dog Line barricade, where a line of fierce dogs were chained across The Neck to prevent convicts from escaping Port Arthur. The Neck (not to be confused with The Neck on Bruny Island) is better known these days for its rock stars. Striking geological formations include the geometrically perfect patterns of the Tessellated Pavement, the gaping Tasmans Arch, the Blowhole and a deep cleft known as Devils Kitchen.

Devils Kitchen, coastline where the swells of the Great Southern Ocean crash into the base of the tall cliffs in Tasman National Park.
Devils Kitchen
Luke Tscharke


Teralina / Eaglehawk Neck is a 1hr drive (76km) south-east of Hobart.


Insider tips

  • Come at low tide to see the Tessellated Pavement at its best.
  • Take a short walk through Tasman National Park, just south of the town, to find Waterfall Bay, where a high waterfall pours down a massive cliff into the sea.

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