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The scene is set in far-southern Dover by a trio of islands just offshore in Port Esperance.

Named evocatively Faith, Hope and Charity, the islands complete a picture of white beaches that line the shore, caves that puncture the hinterland, and the mountains of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area rising just behind the fishing town.

With sharp-tipped Adamsons Peak as the closest backdrop, Dover is an ideal base for exploring a host of walking tracks that radiate out to lakes, lagoons, waterfalls and mountains. There’s also the chance to head underground at nearby Hastings Caves State Reserve and bathe in thermal springs.


Dover is a 70min drive (78km) south-west of Hobart.


Insider tips

  • The air temperature inside Hasting Caves is a constant nine degrees. Warm up afterwards with a dip in the 28-degree waters of its outdoor thermal pool.
  • Sightings of platypuses are regular on the short Platypus Walk behind the Hastings Caves thermal pool.
  • Taste the world’s first sassafras spirit at Bakehouse Distillery.


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