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This classic seaside summer playground has an abundance of natural attractions. 

The laidback town of 2000 people fronts the Rubicon Estuary, an important habitat for pied oystercatchers and other waders. Across this waterway is Narawntapu National Park, home to more birds as well as wallabies, Tasmanian devils and Forester kangaroos. 

Ride horses with Cradle Country Adventures on Bakers Beach in the national park. 

Anglers cast out from Port Sorell’s sea-fishing pontoon, while beach lovers are spoilt for choice at Shearwater, Hawley or Freers beaches. And walkers can head out to Penguin and Rabbit islands at low tide, said to have been hideaways for 19th-century bushrangers. 


Port Sorell is an 18min drive (20km) east of Devonport and a 65min drive (80km) north-west of Launceston.


Insider tip
  • On the town’s outskirts, among a tapestry of fields, is Ghost Rock Wines. Stop for tastings or book for lunch overlooking the vines with views to Bass Strait in the distance.

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