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Overland Track Transport

Cradle Mountain
Ronny Creek
Overland Track Transport is a local Tasmanian company specialising in the Overland Track. They have over 25 years of hiking and industry experience in Tasmania and they want to share their experience and knowledge with you. They have accredited Public Passenger Vehicle Operators, Commercial Visitor Services (CVS) Operators and the only daily Regular Passenger Service provider between Lake St Clair and Launceston and Lake St Clair to Hobart. Departing daily at 2.30 pm (*prebooking recommended). Their experienced staff will answer your questions and provide you with information about the walk to help you feel prepared as you embark on your adventure. They believe your transport should be a part of your experience of walking the Overland Track and they welcome you aboard. Daily departures from Launceston to Cradle Mountain at 6:30am and 12:00pm and daily departures from Lake St Clair to Launceston and Lake St Clair to Hobart operate during the hiking season of 1st October to 31st May.

Non Smoking

Does not cater for people with access needs.

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC icon

Sustainable Tourism Accreditation by ATIC

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