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New Norfolk is Tasmania’s third-oldest settlement, founded by evacuees relocated from Norfolk Island.

The town’s storied past is evident in its historic buildings, including one of Australia's oldest pubs, the Bush Inn, and Australia's oldest Anglican church, St Matthews. It also has one of the country’s few traditional village squares.

In the spirit of its past, New Norfolk has grown into a centre for quality antiques. And one of the town’s darkest corners – the Willow Court Asylum, which was Australia’s longest-operating mental-health facility – has been transformed to house the highly regarded The Agrarian Kitchen and its newly relocated cooking school, as well as Tasmania’s first rum distillery and an antique shop.


New Norfolk is a 35min drive (36km) north-west of Hobart.


Insider tips

  • Track down the grave of Betty King, née Elizabeth Thackery, at the Lawitta Church Cemetery. King was the first person ashore from the First Fleet in Botany Bay and her headstone reads, "The first white woman to set foot in Australia".
  • Head to Pulpit Rock Lookout for a fine view over the town and a wide bend in the River Derwent.

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