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Prepare for encounters with devils, ghosts and rock stars – oh, and monster waves.

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Day 1: Around Port Arthur

Head to the Port Arthur Historic Site, allowing a few hours to wander and explore the settlement.

Head down the road to Remarkable Cave – take in the view through the sea cave and then set out on foot for Crescent Bay.

Return for a well-earned whisky at McHenry Distillery.

Spend the night on the peninsula at Stewarts Bay Lodge.

Day 2: Around Port Arthur

Walk back in time at the Coal Mines Historic Site. Want to stretch your legs further? Head to Lime Bay and follow the tracks to Lagoon Beach. 

Have a pre-dinner drink in style at Impression Bay Distillery, settling into century-old chairs originally built for the boardroom at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. Then head to Port Arthur for dinner at 1830 Restaurant and Bar.

Brave the dark on a spirited Port Arthur ghost tour.

Day 3: Fortescue Bay to Dunalley

Walk out to Cape Raoul, taking in its lofty views over the Southern Ocean and along the coast to the monster waves of Shipstern Bluff.

Mingle with the free-range wildlife at Tasmanian Devil Unzoo.

In Tasman National Park, pay homage to the rock stars of the coastline at Teralina / Eaglehawk Neck: the Tessellated Pavement, the Blowhole and Tasmans Arch among them.

Toast the trip with a glass of wine and perhaps a meal at Bangor Vineyard Shed.

King Island coastline

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