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Settle into island time, find a beach to yourself, and let Flinders weave its natural magic.

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Day 1: Strzelecki National Park to Trousers Point Beach

Begin in the island’s south-west corner, with a walk in Strzelecki National Park. Go straight to the top with a climb to the summit of Strzelecki Peaks, or wander the coast on the Trousers Point Great Short Walk, allowing plenty of time to enjoy the sands and scenery on Trousers Point Beach and Fotheringate Beach.

Finish the day’s activities in leisurely style with a wine tasting at Unavale Vineyard before driving to Vinegar Hill for a view over Lady Barron and Franklin Sound.

Dine at Mountain Seas Lodge, pressed into the slopes of the Strzelecki Peaks, for island produce with a view over Trousers Point.

Stay the night in the island’s south at Sawyers Bay Shacks.

Day 2: Castle Rock to Whitemark

Today you set off for Castle Rock Great Short Walk, a 3 hour return beach walk along coastal hinterlands. Take some snacks and lunch supplies with you. 

After your walk, take in island and maritime history at the Furneaux Museum (check opening times before you go).

Return to Whitemark for dinner or to pick up a gourmet takeaway meal at the The Larder at The Flinders Wharf, (and a cheeky whisky from the on-site Furneaux Distillery) then set out at dusk for the Settlement Point Viewing Platform, watching short-tailed shearwaters (muttonbirds) return to their burrows after a day of feeding far out at sea (from November to April).

Stay overnight at Island Quarters.

Day 3: Killiecrankie to Patriarchs Conservation Area

Succumb to diamond fever and drive up to Killiecrankie Bay, fossicking for the topaz known locally as Killiecrankie diamonds.

Drive to the island’s eastern side, stopping in at the Patriarch Wildlife Sanctuary to wander among wallabies, wombats, Cape Barren geese and other animals.

Return to Whitemark and celebrate the trip’s end with dinner at The Interstate Hotel as the sun sets into Bass Strait.

King Island coastline

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