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Prepare to switch off - there's no wi-fi or phone signal anyway - and tune into nature.

Corinna comes upholstered in moss. The former gold-mining settlement, on the southern fringe of the takayna / Tarkine wilderness covering about 7% of the state, isn’t a typical town. 

The four-hectare site is a managed eco-resort, the Corinna Wilderness Village, encompassing accommodation, river cruising, a restaurant and a barge.

Corinna fronts the serene waters of the Pieman River, so aquatic activities are abundant. Board the Arcadia II, a river cruiser crafted from Huon pine, to glide to Pieman Heads where wilder waters fling logs onto the shore as though they’re matchsticks. 

Back at Corinna, hire a kayak and paddle past ancient Huon pines framing the river to reach magnificent Lovers Falls - paddling is the only way to reach this awe-inspiring landmark.  

Accommodation options include one- and two-bedroom modern miner-style cottages, the old pub and the original roadman’s cottage, and there's idyllic camping along the riverbank. There’s a restaurant in the Tarkine Hotel.

Take the short Huon Pine Walk, one of the 60 Great Short Walks, or work up a sweat on the more challenging Whyte River and Mount Donaldson hikes.


Corinna is a 3hr 30min drive (250km) west of Launceston, a 5hr 15min drive (350km) north-west of Hobart, and a 2hr 20min drive (169km) south-west of Devonport.


Insider tips
  • If driving from Hobart, cross the Pieman River on a vehicular punt known as the Fatman barge. The crossing takes about 10min.
  • While paddling to Lovers Falls, detour a few minutes along Savage River to see the S.S. Croydon, Australia’s furthest inland shipwreck.

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