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Meet our Seasoned
Off Seasoners

No one knows the Tasmanian winter better than these local experts. Get some solid holiday tips and learn how to become a winter person from those who live and breathe the Off Season.

Which winter person are you?

Where will the Off Season take you?

Fill your nights with wild wonder, expand your creative horizons, hike deep into Tasmania’s wilderness, and taste seasonal feasts and silky libations. Maybe you’ll even shatter the bounds of your comfort zone on a caving or cold-plunging adventure? Awaken your winter self.

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become a winter person

Don your woolly socks and subscribe to the Off Season newsletter to be the first to know about Tasmania’s winter festivals, events and special offers.

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A close-up of human knees caked with dried mud. In the background, a group of people blurred in motion, in the middle of a football game.

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