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Wild Ocean Tasmania

Passengers on a private RIB boat charter in Tasmania
Humpback Whale spy hopping
The Totempole at Cape Hauy
A Shy Albatross flying past
Seal watching in Tasmania
Southern Right Whale tail
Seal pups in Tasmania
Orca off the Tasman Peninsula
Orcas off the coast of Tasman Peninsula.
Humpback Whale peduncle throw
Wild Ocean Tasmania is a small, couple-owned and operated boat tour and charter hire business. We take our guests to stunning natural sites that can only be reached by boat and encourage an ethical interaction with the precious marine life we encounter in the hope to raise awareness for the importance of the protection of these amazing animals, our natural environment and ultimately ourselves. By joining our tour, you also support our private wildlife sanctuary and the numerous marine research and nature conservation projects we are involved with.


Family Friendly

Does not cater for people with access needs.



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