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Kayak Hire - Corinna Wilderness Village

Kayak Hire Hero Image
Fly Fishing
Double Kayak
On Shore Kayaks
Exceptional kayaking experiences are available for guests to immerse themselves in the nature of the Pieman River at Corinna Wilderness Village. Fourteen kayaks (with life jackets and paddles provided), are available on-site for hire. We offer some unforgettable and breathtaking trips up and down the magical Pieman River and its tributaries. Participants will enjoy the three-hour Lover's Falls/Savage River Paddle, with the opportunity to see the S.S. Croydon shipwreck (sunk in 1919) and Lovers Falls. There is also the opportunity to explore one of the other tributaries of the Pieman, the Whyte River, a two-hour, family-friendly paddling experience. Some guests are just content to paddle on the Pieman around Corinna. There are water-based experiences suitable for all ages. All kayaking experiences are self-guided. All participants must agree to a safety briefing before departing on their experience. Please note: All water-based activities are wind, rain and tide dependant, your safety is our primary concern, so trips can be cancelled at short notice. Weather conditions on the West Coast do change dramatically so, as the scout’s motto says “Be Prepared” – this is real wilderness."


Family Friendly

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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