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Advice, brochures and travel information

If you're looking for holiday planning and travel advice or brochures, the best place to start is one of our Visitor Information Centres.

You can also get advice on booking accommodation, tours and attractions from one of our local specialists.

ATDW product listings

Have your product listed for free on our Discover Tasmania website simply by registering your business details on our ATDW-Online database. For further information email

Social media

Share your stories, photos and videos of your time here on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram - #discovertasmania


Our photographers

For a comprehensive list of photographers featured on Discover Tasmania, please visit Our Photographers page.

Newsletter – Discover Tasmania

If you have any questions, queries or concerns regarding our Discover Tasmania newsletter, please email

Visual Library

Tourism Tasmania maintains a library of images and video for use by media and the travel industry for the promotion of Tasmania as a holiday destination. To access our visual library please register here.


Please note that Tourism Tasmania does not provide advice on holiday planning and travel.

By creating an account on Discover Tasmania, you agree to the terms of use outlined in our Privacy Statement


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