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The Tarkine Drive

The Tarkine Drive
The Edge of The World
Relax in the Tarkine
Heading off the beaten track and into the wilderness, The Tarkine Drive in Tasmania's north-west is now easily accessible for anyone wanting to get back in touch with nature and experience the wilderness. The loop through the Tarkine Drive takes travellers through natural and dramatic landscapes beginning with Kanunnah Bridge Picnic Area, taking its name from the aboriginal name for 'Tasmanian Tiger', Sumac Lookout surrounded by rainforest and tall eucalypts and more impressive widespread views of the river and beyond. Julius River Forest Reserve has cool temperate rainforest, excellent picnic facilities and with two walks, moderate 30 minute and 40 minute walks. Lake Chisholm Forest Reserve has flooded limestone sinkholes and meandering walks through old myrtle forests and alongside still watered lakes. At Milkshakes Hills Forest Reserve, relax with picnic spots nestled among the eucalypts. Completing the loop is the Trowutta Arch Rain Forest Walk; a stunning and natural geological structure. The Tarkine Drive is an effortless 60 km drive from Stanley and an easy 38 km drive from Smithton. Smithton to the Tarkine Drive return is 130 km. The Tarkine Drive route is sealed and has made the drive easily accessible and much more pleasurable.



Pet Friendly - Enquire

Picnic Area

Public Toilet

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

Four Wheel Driving

Mountain Biking



Horse Riding

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