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Drive Discovery North Flinders Island

Lichen on granite rocks Flinders Island Tasmania
Shacks at Palana Flinders Island Tasmania
Palana Boat Ramp Flinders Island Tasmania
Walk to Stackys Bite around Killiecrankie Bay Flinders Island  Tasmania
Killiecrankie Bay Flinders Island Tasmania
Bird life at North East River Flinders Island Tasmania
Fishing at North East River Flinders Island
From Whitemark, drive north to Killiecrankie Bay. Take a stroll along this beautiful beach overlooked by the impressive Mt Killiecrankie. If you have some time get local advice about the best places to fossick for Killiecrankie diamonds or try Diamond Creek, about 2 km along the beach. Climb Mt Killiecrankie. Picnic at the free gas barbecue picnic area at Killiecrankie Beach or further north at Palana Beach. At Palana take the signed track to the wide sandy beach that is ideal for a long beach walk or often has enough swell for safe body surfing. The tiny group of shacks at Palana was set up as a Radar Station during WW2 when the fear of a Japanese invasion was at its peak. Observe the lichen-covered rocks and enjoy the white sandy beach with sweeping views to Inner Sister Island. Turn off to North East River to see Flinders Island's most northern tip experience wildlife, fishing, great beaches with coastal vegetation. Explore the wild ocean beach pounded by surf and follow the estuary to see the variety of seabirds living here. Don't forget to wave at every passing motourist.


Boating Facilities

Caravan / Camper Trailer / Campervan Sites / Campsites


Coach Parking

Family Friendly

Picnic Area

Public Toilet

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