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Tranquility Bay of Fires

Tranquility Bay of Fires Outdoor entertaining with views
Tranquility Bay of Fires location and views
Tranquility Bay of Fires Living room
Tranquility Bay of Fires Dining area
Tranquility Bay of Fires Fully equipped kitchen
Tranquility Bay of Fires Bedroom  with deck
Tranquility Bay of Fires Bathroom
Tranquility Bay of Fires Bedroom with view
Tranquility Bay of Fires Laundry
Tranquility Bay of Fires Deck
Bay of Fires: a bay on the northeastern coast of Tasmania in Australia, extending from Binalong Bay to Eddystone Point. The Bay of Fires is a region of white beaches, blue water and orange-hued granite rocks. Tranquillity – meaning: the quality or state of being tranquil; calm, Tranquillity Bay of Fires: an accommodation that combines a second-to-none location with beautiful aspects of a modern beach house to create a place to induce a relaxing state of mind. Come experience and enjoy this special place. Please note: Tranquility Bay of Fires is not suitable for children aged five years or under. A two-night minimum stay applies.



Outdoor Dining Area

Outdoor Furniture

Does not cater for people with access needs.

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