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Rosy Summers

A pink shack with white doors with green grass and ducks in the front
A pink shack with a white roof and windows
A black claw foot bath tub sits in an all white pressed tin bathroom with wooden details
A large bed with white linen and a pink blanket in a simple cosy room with wooden doors & white wall
Looking down a long white gallery kitchen with pressed tin ceilings and wooden floors
A white gallery kitchen with simple bench tops and a picture frame window
A few candles sit on top of a blue painted wooden table and looks into a bright day room
A white sofa is filled with lots of lovely linen cushions, and looks onto a black log burning fire
A black and white artwork hangs on a white wall behind a cosy linen sofa with pink cushions.
Welcome to Rosy Summers, our newly restored and unique miner’s shack in Lettes Bay. Set back from the water and tucked cosily amongst other shacks, Rosy is a surprising interpretation of a traditional miner’s shack. From its pink-painted exterior you enter into an expansive sanctuary. Spend your days admiring the glimpses of the bay, sitting by the fire, making a delicious meal or lazing on the large linen sofa. It truly is a sensual space of calm, peace and serenity.

Non Smoking

Secure Parking

Does not cater for people with access needs.

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