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Old Wesleydale Heritage Accommodation

Heritage Accommodation within a garden.
Heritage Accommodation within a garden
Cottage interior
Cottage bathroom
Cottage Interior
Picking garden and hot house
Walled garden
Spring Border
Old Wesleydale Heritage Accommodation offers very comfortable self-contained accommodation near Mole Creek, in Northern Tasmania. Find yourself at Old Wesleydale - a special place in history. A fascinating country property settled in 1829, and steeped in early European settlement history. The house and outbuildings are of early Georgian architecture, giving an insight into the trials confronted by the early pioneers. The stone accommodation building, originally the 'dairy' building, was where cream and cheese making took place. Explore the fortified barn and great stone walled compound, indicative of bygone days, set within a majestic rural landscape, flanked by the Great Western Tiers. Find yourself comfortable, cosy and at home in this well appointed accommodation, breakfast provisions are included, and barbecue facilities available. Relax in and soak up the atmosphere of the English style garden. Make yourself at home in our potager, and feel free to pick some fresh fruit and vegetables. Old Wesleydale is centrally located amongst all the great tourist attractions of the North; Trowunna Wildlife Park, Tasmanian Devil Research Centre, Marakoopa and King Solomon Caves, Ashgrove Cheese, Christmas Hills Raspberry Farm, a 90 minute picturesque drive to Cradle Mountain. Explore the nearby towns of Chudleigh, Deloraine, Mole Creek and Westbury.




Non Smoking

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

Heritage Cottage  " The Dairy" image

Heritage Cottage " The Dairy"

An 1830's stone dairy building part of the original settlement set up. Original features like the morticed and pegging beams have been retained to add character to the recently renovated cottage. The cosy fire can be lit on those cooler evenings. A newly installed kitchen allows for cooking meals and an outside BBQ and eating area is available.The cottage is situated within the garden and guests are free to wander and explore at their leisure.


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