Nelson Falls - Great Short Walk
Nelson Falls is one of Tasmania’s 60 Great Short Walks. The 60 Great Short Walks offer the best of Tasmania's day walking opportunities. 20 minutes return, 1.4km return. Grade 1. Suitable for wheelchair users who have someone to assist them. A delightful short walk from the Lyell Highway—the last between Derwent Bridge and Queenstown—takes visitors alongside a burbling river to a beautiful set of falls. The mossy forest, featuring sassafras, myrtle and a variety of ferns, gives hints of the high rainfall in this area. These falls are always a wonderful sight, but can be a spectacularly roaring torrent after heavy rain. Return via the same track. Along the boardwalk to Nelson Falls you will come across interpretation panels highlighting the ancient plants you see along the way, including at least seven species of fern. These interpretation panels will take you on a journey back in time to when Tasmania was a part of the great supercontinent of Gondwana. Please refer to the Parks and Wildlife Service Tasmania website ( for up-to-date information about this walk, alerts, closures, safe walking guidelines, leave no trace principles and National Park entry fees where applicable.