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Gilligan's Currie Harbour Accommodation

Kitchen area with bar stools surrounding island.
An island bench sits in the foreground with a dining table & elevated lounge room in the background
wooden table and chairs on back wooden patio with platter and coffee
A small bar set up with wooden bartops with blue bar mats.
two beers sit on bench overlooking deck
outdoor dining area with BBQ
bedroom with small door in the background which outside greenery can be viewed through
Two twin beds
a queen size bed with couch and desk area
Clear blue sky in background with blue large beachhouse with orange accents
Centrally located between the township of Currie, King Island, and Currie harbour, this quality accommodation is ideally situated. Gilligan's is only a short walk to shops, supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, museums and cultural centre and the waterfront where you can walk on the beach and enjoy the sand, sea, and fresh, unpolluted salt air of the Southern Ocean.

Family Friendly


Outdoor Dining Area

Outdoor Furniture

Disabled access available, contact operator for details.

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