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CMCA RV Park Geeveston

Entrance sign on fence
Shelter with shade
Panorama shot
Guests enjoying happy hour
Looking for a safe and friendly low-cost recreational park to stay for a few nights? CMCA RV Park Geeveston provides a low-cost RV Camping ground for fully self-contained recreational vehicles. Potable water, a dump point, a fire pit, level sites, and a happy hour shelter are included. A full-time on-site park caretaker will provide assistance and help with local information, events, and attractions. Shady or open sites are available and even the largest rigs will find plenty of space. Easy walking distance to local shops in Geeveston. This park closes for the winter months between June and September.


Drive through sites available

Dump point

Non Smoking

Open Fireplace

Outdoor Dining Area

Pet Friendly - Enquire

Actively welcomes people with access needs.

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