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Breathe deep, here is officially some of the cleanest air in the world.

On the edge of takayna / Tarkine, Smithton is a great base to explore the wild region in its surrounds.

Get a bird’s-eye view of the north-west on a scenic helicopter flight with Tall Timbers, over lush fields fed by rain from the Roaring Forties. Or delve deep into Australia’s largest cool-climate rainforest on one of its 4WD tours.

Surfers are drawn to the legendary swell at Marrawah, about 40min from Smithton. Don’t surf? Explore the rock pools at taypalaka / Green Point. 

Book ahead to visit the 22,000-hectare Woolnorth, which gives direct access to Kennaook / Cape Grim. It’s the site of Tasmania's largest wind farm and Australia’s biggest dairy operation. The historic property contains Aboriginal cultural living sites.

Pop into the Arty Duck for local handcrafts, and there’s choice of eateries with opportunities to buy plump local oysters and other seasonal produce. 

Accommodation options range from wilderness retreats to motel rooms. And there are plentiful camping options, a caravan park and free RV parking at Tall Timbers.


Smithton is a 70min drive (84km) west of Burnie and a 2hr 40min drive (232km) north-west of Launceston.


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