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Some people describe Westbury as Australia’s most English town. 

That’s because its charming streetscape includes a village green, a town common, a stately bluestone church, hedgerows and lanes, charming inns and stables, and restored civic buildings.

Stop by the Big Wickets, a 6m-high set of cricket wickets that commemorate star local cricketer Jack Badcock, one of the first Tasmanians to play Test cricket for Australia. 

Rev things up at Pearn’s Steam World, which displays the biggest collection of steam engines in the Southern Hemisphere. It includes fire engines, tractors, water carts and steam rollers. Families can also ride the mini steam train. 



Westbury is a 25min drive (34km) west of Launceston and a 45min drive (67km) south-east of Devonport.


Insider tips
  • Go fly fishing for brown and rainbow trout in the cold and clear Meander River – there’s good angler access around Westbury.
  • Learn about the village’s notable characters by tracing the Westbury Silhouette Trail.

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