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Isolated Maydena has a rich forestry heritage, but is better known now for its challenging mountain-bike park.

Pinched between Mount Field National Park and Southwest National Park, the town provides easy access to Russell Falls, one of Tasmania’s most beautiful waterfalls, as well as remote Lake Pedder.

The gravity-focused Maydena Bike Park plunges through rainforest above town, while the pace is gentler at Railtrack Riders, a pedal-powered adventure along a historic stretch of railway track.

A short walk outside of town leads to the entrance of Junee Cave, an underground system that harbours 395m-deep Niggly Cave, Australia’s deepest cave.

Mountain biker ripping through the Maydena Bike Park. Surrounded by tall trees and dirt paths.
Maydena Bike Park
Revolution MTB
Dramatic wide angle image of a couple centered around the incredible Styx Valley, surrounded by dense ferns and tall trees.
Styx Tall Trees Conservation Area
Emilie Ristevski


Maydena is an 80min drive (85km) west of Hobart.


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