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From the heights of Flinders Island’s tallest mountain to the bouldery shores of Trousers Point, Strzelecki National Park mixes a wealth of terrain. 


You can be standing on a wild and wind-blown mountaintop one moment, and lazing on a white beach just a couple of hours later.

The distinctive granite walls of the Strzelecki Peaks form the spine of the park, which covers the south-west corner of the island, taking in some of Tasmania’s finest beaches, a dense fringe of coastal tea tree, pockets of rainforest and bare granite slabs.

Come to snorkel, camp, kayak or, like most travellers, to walk - this small national park contains two of Tasmania’s 60 Great Short Walks.



Strzelecki Peaks

Rising 782m directly out of the sea, and underscored by dazzling white beaches, this string of granite mountains dominates Flinders Island – they’re even visible from the Tasmanian mainland, more than 50km away.

Trousers Point

Flinders Island’s trademark beauty spot is this small, beach-nibbled point at the base of the Strzelecki Peaks. Granite boulders are strewn about like toys, and the shores are smothered in orange lichen.

Fotheringate Beach

Directly across the Trousers Point headland is this long beach arcing beneath the Strzelecki Peaks. Look for the eroded limestone caves at the beach’s southern end, while the sunset views onto the peaks are spectacular.


Strzelecki Peaks

It’s a steep climb to the highest point on the island with a view over much of Flinders Island and neighbouring Cape Barren Island (4-5hr return, 5.6km). Mainland Tasmania is visible on a good day. One of Tasmania’s 60 Great Short Walks.

Trousers Point

This short circuit (90min, 2km) begins beside Trousers Point beach and wraps around coastal cliffs as it heads north to Fotheringate Beach, mixing rocky ruggedness with beach bliss.

Need to know


There’s a basic campground inside the park at Trousers Point. Other accommodation can be found in Whitemark and Lady Barron and sprinkled around the island.


There’s no public transport on Flinders Island, so book a hire car in advance to access the national park.


A parks pass is required for entry to Tasmania’s national parks. 


Strzelecki National Park is a 15min drive (15km) south of Whitemark on Flinders Island. 

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