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Take a break from your day job and try your hand at an Odd Job

These 10 Tasmanian experiences are the essence of the Off Season and the antithesis of the daily grind.

Whether you’re craving creative stimulation or outdoor exhilaration – the company of animals, artisans, or absolutely no one – there’s an Odd Job for that. Expenses will be covered for selected applicants, so no obstacles will come between you and your winter calling.

Find the role that speaks to you, and apply.

Odd Jobs Board

Cave Conductor

Gunns Plains Caves

In the subterranean setting of Gunns Plains Caves, embark on a musical journey alongside local musician, Charlie. As Cave Conductor, you’ll collaborate with Charlie, who will perform musical interludes for tour groups. Bring your own instrument to test the mesmerising acoustics of the cave yourself, and improvise with Charlie to help him warm up for the big performance.

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A large cave with a a metal walkway below a stalactite hanging from the cave ceiling.

Oyster Organiser

Oyster Bay Tours at Freycinet Marine Farm

Oysters taste better in winter. The Off Season is the ideal time to pull on a pair of waders and immerse yourself in the tranquil waters of Great Oyster Bay as an Oyster Organiser. Lose yourself in the rhythm of work: gathering, sorting, and cleaning shellfish.

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A man stands in water next to a line of oyster nest. He is wearing waterproof- waders and a beany.

Paranormal Investigator

Tasmania’s Most Haunted

Swap your day job for something otherworldly. Fans of history and mystery are wanted as the resident paranormal investigator at Willow Court, Australia’s oldest continually run asylum. Unearth its secrets, armed with the latest detecting devices and your keen investigative skills to tune into the signs of paranormal activity.

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A woman wearing a beanie holds a lantern to a window at the end of a corridor in a colonial building. An old, unhinged door is propped up against a wall beside her.

Puffer Nut

West Coast Wilderness Railway

Bring your enthusiasm to the West Coast Wilderness Railway in your role as Puffer Nut. Join the Locomotive Crew on the Lynchford Express, riding alongside the Fireman and Driver as you chug through the rugged Tasmanian wilderness.

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A man stands on the tracks of a locomotive steam train in a maintenance yard and takes a photograph.

Sauna Stoker

Little Beach Co.

This one’s a winter warmer. Little Beach Co. needs a heat-lover to tend their wood-fired sauna and keep the flames fed. You’ll need to maintain a cosy temperature to give guests a welcome contrast to the bracing winter weather.

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A man wearing a towel robe stands in the open doorway of a wooden drum-shaped sauna sitting a platform surrounded by bushlands behind and the sea in the background.


Little Things Farm

Unleash your creativity as a Soaksmith and embark on a sensory journey at Little Things Farm, where you’ll be tasked with crafting the bath salt that captures the essence of Off Season.

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A woman wearing an apron stands in a farm field next to a table with the ingredients for making soap.

Star Seeker


Night owl: needed. Swap your regular evening routine for this nocturnal Odd Job observing the Tasmanian night sky. Astronomy buffs gathering at Rathmore House require a Star Seeker to assist them with celestial observations, telescope fiddling, and astro-imaging. On-the-job training will be provided; you only need enthusiasm and a warm puffer jacket.

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A man wearing a winter jacket sits on the top of a large cylindrical-shaped hay bale and looks up to the stars on a clear night.

Truffle Snuffler

The Truffledore

If truffles are rare, then a good Truffle Snuffler is even rarer. To track them down, you’ll need patience, determination, and the carefully honed senses of your truffle dog. This unique role combines a passion for the outdoors, animals, and freshly foraged fungus. It’s the ideal opportunity for those who thrive in the bracing winter weather and the thrill of the hunt.

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A woman stands in green grass in a garden and feeds a truffle hunting dog. Two men stand by and watch.

Wine Whisperer

Clover Hill Wines

Seeking a green thumb to commune with the grapevines in the role of Wine Whisperer. Winter is a crucial season on the vineyard, and we’re looking for an intuitive gardener – someone confident but not overzealous with the secateurs. Your meticulous pruning is essential to the future harvest. But to whisper to the vines, you must first listen to the wines. You’ll need to sip your way through Clover Hill’s full range to fully understand the connection between these sparkling wines and their climes.

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A man stands in a vineyard row full of leaves and carefully trims grape vines with a pair of secateurs

Wombat Walker

East Coast Natureworld

Calling all animal lovers - this is where your passion for fitness and love of animals collide. As a Wombat Walker, you’ll help maintain the physical and mental wellbeing of our wombats by leading them on their morning excursions. These walks are essential to keeping them happy and healthy during the winter months!

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A man wearing a sweater and pants walks along short grass with a small, grey wombat following.

A change is as good as a rest.
Swap your day job for an odd job.

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